Saturday, 15 May 2010

The Self-Sufficiency Bible by Simon Dawson

ISBN 979-906787-68-4
I haven't yet come across such a comprehensive book. The author covers just about everything you could think of - and quite a few that you didn't. Yes, keeping livestock, growing your own greens and so on is all in there - but so is dyeing, knitting and sewing your own stuff, even making your own jam, wine, cleaning and health and beauty products - including deodorant! Basic butchery is also in there, as is smoking, tanning, preserving and so on.
The book is an easy read, and the advice simple to understand. Buy it - but not my copy - I'm keeping it!

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Crochet Bags!

Author: Candi Jensen
ISBN-10: 1-58017-619-4

Some interesting bags in here - including one made from 'plarn' (plastic bag yarn) altho' her method of producing yarn from plastic carrier bags is not the best there is. Great for inspiration, although UK readers will need to check out the stitch translation as it's a US book. Worth a look, and as the book is not too big it could go in a roomy handbag - one that you've crocheted yourself, of course!